September 14, 2010

200 years.

September 15.

This is the date that Mexico is about to celebrate with all its heart.

This has been a big deal since the beggining of the year. Mexico is celebrating the first 100 of its revolution and 200 for its independence. 3 million people are going to be in the downtown or close to it partying, enjoying being from this great country.

I will be in an ambulance, waiting. Hoping that nothing goes wrong as so many people, including myself, think. That there is no massive attack from the druglords, that there is no multi cassualities incident.

Lets hope it ends up being the greatest celebration in years and nothing else.

Tomorrow there will me more on duty ambulances in the city that there has ever been. We don´t have any type of coordination. We even fight sometimes between ambulance services. I think that is gonna bring hell on us and we deserve it because we don´t "talk" to each other.

Its gonna be a long and interesting night.

I got my gear ready.
I got my head ready.
I got my hands ready.

I´m ready.

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